Reporting Package: How Community Health Workers Build Health and Equity Worldwide



Welcome to our Community Health Workers reporting package. Here’s how we suggest you use these resources:

  1. Review the Reporting Project Overview and Orb Media’s global story on Community Health Workers. These are your springboards to your own coverage decisions.

  2. Find which grouping your country appears in within our Global Model, to make this story even more relevant to your audience.

  3. Review our list of Proposed Leads and Angles for help on how to localize this information for your audience.

  4. Once you dig into reporting in your region, review our background research documents, references and available media assets for you to use. Feel free to reuse or build on anything we provide.

We’re excited to support your work. In return, we ask that you:

  1. Let us know you’re onboard for reporting on this story. We’ll support you with story updates, access to our journalist and data team, and additional newsroom resources. We can also satisfy any questions you might have.

  2. Credit Orb Media’s work, including our original data analysis and key findings as appropriate. 

  3. Share your expected publishing date and link (or PDF if appears in print only) with Orb so we can aggregate, promote and learn from original reporting worldwide. In the future, we’ll pass our algorithmic and framing learnings from the story’s collective performance on to you.

  4. This package was published in concert with other media organizations during the week of August 10. However, its evergreen elements remain available for your future use.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Community Health Workers Reporting Package


Powerful And Proven:

Community health workers (CHW) have proven adept at solving some of the world’s toughest health challenges over the years. Now, new global research from Orb Media has uncovered ways CHW could help address the most pressing health and equity crises of the present—including the COVID-19 pandemic.


a. Proposed leads & angles

b. Reporting Project Overview

c. The Global Narrative: How Community Health Workers Build Health and Equity Worldwide

  • Community Health Workers: Trusted Intermediaries

  • CHWs Provide Unique & Crucial Support to Address Community Needs

  • CHWs Are Trained to Serve The Communities They Live In

  • Compensating CHWs is Crucial to Successful Programs

  • Community Health Work Can Be a Career Pipeline 

  • Future Frontiers for CHWs



a. A Global Model: What Countries Are Doing Surprisingly Well at Keeping Kids Alive Based on Their Formal Healthcare System?

b. Health Investment and Child Mortality Story Measures and Calculations


c. Short Country Profiles - A brief overview of the in-country research that Orb Media conducted, which lead to our in-depth investigation of CHWs.

d. References - Links to all sources cited within in the entire reporting project.


a. How to Use & Credit Orb Media’s Work

b. Downloadable Graphics - Free to use with credit to Orb Media.

c. Interview Assets - Including images, raw audio files and timestamped transcription files for subtitling.

Need something you don’t see here? Reach out.