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As the 2020 pandemic has evolved, it has highlighted how national differences in governments, demographics, socioeconomics, and cultural traditions shape and impact healthcare in our communities. Across the globe, we face a universal demand for equitable, cost-effective solutions that can support and enhance public health.
To prompt informed civil discourse and explore possibilities during this crisis, Orb Media has conducted original data analysis and research on public health at a global scale. Our research reveals how countries that are vastly different have all benefited by investing in community health workers.
We discovered that community health worker (CHW) programs can provide scalable, equitable, and community-driven health support for both preventive and acute care in communities worldwide.
Our research surfaced diverse ways in which CHWs support healthcare systems in remote villages with a few hundred people and also digitally-connected countries with millions of citizens in need of care.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque dignissim erat at posuere mollis. Curabitur fringilla mollis urna, fringilla viverra ligula mattis id. Proin enim eros, blandit vel sagittis vitae, tempor vel tortor. Quisque pharetra nibh nec enim rutrum congue. Sed maximus felis lobortis, malesuada mauris a, scelerisque nisl. Morbi eget molestie tortor. Phasellus sagittis efficitur sapien, commodo viverra erat ultricies et. Quisque posuere ut velit ut euismod.
Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
—A quote, from someone
Nam eget enim eu nisl efficitur placerat vel et diam. Pellentesque eu dui nec neque sollicitudin faucibus ut nec mauris. Proin auctor gravida eros, pulvinar consectetur ex euismod at. In tempor, mauris et rutrum facilisis, purus urna tristique tellus, et commodo purus erat at ligula. Vivamus non luctus lacus. Suspendisse nec sapien ex. Cras tellus sem, tristique et eleifend at, semper ut libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed quam est, commodo vitae dui ac, cursus lacinia lacus. Duis malesuada pulvinar ligula, ut porttitor risus blandit a.
Here is a caption for the graphic. Nam eget enim eu nisl efficitur placerat vel et diam. Pellentesque eu dui nec neque sollicitudin faucibus ut nec mauris. Proin auctor gravida eros, pulvinar consectetur ex euismod at. In tempor, mauris et rutrum facilisis, purus urna tristique tellus, et commodo purus erat at ligula. Vivamus non luctus lacus. Suspendisse nec sapien ex. Cras tellus sem, tristique et eleifend at, semper ut libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed quam est, commodo vitae dui ac, cursus lacinia lacus. Duis malesuada pulvinar ligula, ut porttitor risus blandit a.
This is Section 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque dignissim erat at posuere mollis. Curabitur fringilla mollis urna, fringilla viverra ligula mattis id. Proin enim eros, blandit vel sagittis vitae, tempor vel tortor. Quisque pharetra nibh nec enim rutrum congue. Sed maximus felis lobortis, malesuada mauris a, scelerisque nisl. Morbi eget molestie tortor. Phasellus sagittis efficitur sapien, commodo viverra erat ultricies et. Quisque posuere ut velit ut euismod.
Nam eget enim eu nisl efficitur placerat vel et diam. Pellentesque eu dui nec neque sollicitudin faucibus ut nec mauris. Proin auctor gravida eros, pulvinar consectetur ex euismod at. In tempor, mauris et rutrum facilisis, purus urna tristique tellus, et commodo purus erat at ligula. Vivamus non luctus lacus. Suspendisse nec sapien ex. Cras tellus sem, tristique et eleifend at, semper ut libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed quam est, commodo vitae dui ac, cursus lacinia lacus. Duis malesuada pulvinar ligula, ut porttitor risus blandit a.
Integer eleifend ac dolor nec ultricies. Proin tortor arcu, sollicitudin ac nulla ut, gravida ultrices justo. Vestibulum lobortis, orci in interdum sagittis, enim arcu commodo risus, nec pellentesque velit ligula sit amet augue. Cras nec felis blandit, malesuada ligula ut, pellentesque quam. In mattis mollis scelerisque. Pellentesque rutrum feugiat venenatis. Mauris vestibulum lobortis ullamcorper.
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In conclusion, stuff. Integer eleifend ac dolor nec ultricies. Proin tortor arcu, sollicitudin ac nulla ut, gravida ultrices justo. Vestibulum lobortis, orci in interdum sagittis, enim arcu commodo risus, nec pellentesque velit ligula sit amet augue. Cras nec felis blandit, malesuada ligula ut, pellentesque quam. In mattis mollis scelerisque. Pellentesque rutrum feugiat venenatis. Mauris vestibulum lobortis ullamcorper.
Pakistan’s Frontline Changemakers
The Express Tribune, Pakistan
Covid19 and Home-Based care: Is it working?
The Star Kenya, Kenya
Journalism nonprofit Orb Media addresses global sustainability
IJNET, International
Opportunity: Collaborative news content for PMA members
Public Media Alliance, Global
Alarm Imunisasi di Kala Pandemi
Tempo, Indonesia
Critical Role of Community Health Workers in Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic
Jagran Media, India
4G SIM cards without smart phones disconnect Haryana’s ASHA workers
The Hindu, India
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